Friday, January 18, 2013

My Mind Map on Bill Handley's "Speed Maths and Speed Fun in Learning" at Nanyang Primary School, Singapore on 12 and 14 Mar 2001

One day, my younger daughter came back with a notice that her school was organising a workshop for parents and students at the cost of $20 per person per 3hr-session on 12 and 14 March 2001. The workshop was conducted by Mr Bill Handley from Australia, who founded Learning Unlimited Australia in 1979. 

I was excited about this workshop after reading a brief description about what Bill intended to cover in speed learning and speed maths techniques in two 3hr-session. I immediately signed up for both sessions with my daughter. As usual, I quickly set up a simple central image and sat down quietly in the front row, listening attentively for his key words and watching him carefully as he illustrates examples after examples of "Speed in Learning" and "Speed Maths". The combined result of the two sessions was the mind map above.

This mind map ranks as one of my favourites as I never fail to amaze those who attend my courses how I recorded the proceedings of the Speed Learning and Speed Maths workshop religiously onto only one page. I really felt very satisfied that my mind map turned out quite balanced and readable for those viewers who wants to understand what went on in the two workshops.